Britain’s 20/20 Vision plays a tight progressive brand of ‘80s hard rock on their excellent ultra-obscure custom In The Town/In The City. I saw the album listed once with a late ‘70s date (which I suppose is possible), but I’d estimate it more around 1982-1983, right about the time when hard rock was on the verge of transmuting into heavy metal. The lp would have fit perfectly on the early Tunesmith roster between Amaziah and Stronghold, though musically I’d say they have more in common with the Daniel Band circa On Rock. These five guys rock loud with intense killer guitar leads, setting fire to songs like the title track, ‘He’s Alive’, ‘Jehovah’ and ‘I Thank You Lord’. Even a hint of Van Halen on the crushing side two opener ‘The Dealer’. Also some good power ballads. Attractive use of piano and synthesizer which when coupled with tempo and volume changes brings a melodic prog edge. Those keyboards are especially beautiful on the lyrical soft track ‘Living’s Easy’ which has the flavor of art rockers Eden. Member Gerwin Howley is wielding one of those mega-cool fly-shaped electric guitars (I always wanted one). He along with fellow guitarist Denvyl Lewis wrote all the nine songs. (Ken Scott - Archivist)
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